PM Hands Awards and Diplomas to Winners of Educational Contests and Schoolchildren with Outstanding Achievements
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan hosted the winners of Kangaroo 2018 international contest in mathematics and Bee-2017 Armenian language competition, as well as the best Armenian schoolchildren and students from all Marzes and Artsakh, who boasted high academic performance in 2017-2018.
Congratulating the schoolchildren for outstanding achievements in Armenia and at…

Ministers Will Run Open Classes in Various Schools
RA Minister of Education and Science Arayik Harutyunyan will visit the village of Sardarapat in Armavir region on September 1, on the occasion of Knowledge Day. The Minister will announce about the start of a universal inclusive education system in the Armavir region. A. Harutyunyan will also take part in…
The August Discussions Extended
Arayik Harutyunyan, Minister of Education and Science, held negotiations with the principals of High Schools, Private School and Special Needs Schools of Yerevan in light of the August consultations. Referring to the preparatory work for the new 2018-2019 academic year, the Minister noted that there was no change in the…

Ararat High School, Renovated by the World Bank Tax Credit Program, was Opened
After the discussions at the Administration of the Marz, Minister of Education and Science Arayik Harutyunyan and Governor of Ararat Marz, Garik Sargsyan, took part in the opening ceremony of the Ararat High School that was reconstructed by the World Bank Tax Credit Program. Students of this school will welcome…

The August Regional Discussions were Concluded in Ararat
In the scheme of the August consultations, Minister of Education and Science Arayik Harutyunyan conducted the last of his regional deliberations in Ararat Province. Issues related to education in the Province of Ararat were discussed during the meeting. In his speech the Minister touched upon the problems of keeping politics out…