Awards Have Been Presented to the Champions of the 6th National Contest, “Armenian Skills”

Today, the 6th National Contest Award Ceremony of the Participants, “Armenian Skills”, have taken place within the framework of the “Skills for Business, Business – for Skills” Vocational Education and Training international conference. The Head of the Department of the Primary and Secondary Vocational Education, Artak Aghbalyan, congratulated all the medalists of the contest and said that the “Worldwide Skills” international contest will take place in 2019 in the city of Kazan of the Russian Federation. “We will spare no effort to partake in that contest and do our best to return with medals, however challenging for participating countries of only 5 or 6 years to win awards may be. This VET contest, held once every 2 years, can be compared with Sports Olympiad. We should also try to extend the contest to different areas, so that different colleges may also take part in this type of competitions. More educational institutions from the different regions of Armenia should be involved in the contest. In saying all this, success is conditioned by the consistent work of the Heads of the colleges as well, so I wish to see them more motivated, after all, the success of our children is that of ours as well. In general, our reforms will not be realized without the support of the Directors of schools. Let’s work side by side, Ministry and school Directors, so that we are able to develop this area, which is important for our country’s economy”, Artak Aghbalyan has noted, referring to the Directors of the educational institutions.
The director of NCVETD, Tatevik Gasparyan, in turn has said that the final stage of the 6th National Contest, “Armenian Skills”, has been held in “Mechatronics”, “Web Design”, “Cooking”, “Jewelry” and “Fashion Technology” sectors. She has extended her gratitude towards the main supporters of the contest, namely Atex Fashion Center, Union of the Armenian Culinary Traditions Development and Conservation, Yerevan Jewelry Plant Gnomon, the experts, the masters, as well as VET institutions. As a result of the contest, the following participants have been awarded with gold medals: Mark Khachikyan (Armenian-Greek College) – “Cooking”, Hakobyan Gurgen (Yerevan State College of Informatics) – “Mechatronics”, Vicktoria Karapetyan (Yerevan State College of Light Industry) – “Fashion Technology”, Mnatsakan Galstyan (Gyumri State Vocational School N4) – “Jewelry”, Hayk Gasparyan (Yerevan State College of Informatics) – “Web Design”.
It should be mentioned that Armenia joined the “Worldwide Skills” organization in 2012 with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH within the framework of the “Armenian Skills” project.