“High Art should daily Be Taught in School”. Arayik Harutyunyan

The acting Minister of Education and Science, Arayik Harutyunyan, and the acting Minister of Culture, Lilit Makunts, have visited “Vardanants Aspetner” primary school N106 in Yerevan where the artist, Peto Poghosyan, has taught his first lesson in Visual Arts in the “Your art in school” project. During this lesson, provided for the eighth-grade pupils, the artist has introduced watercolors of the contemporary masters, the basic watercolor techniques and in the end, has created a canvas together with the pupils.
Accordingly, cultural education project has begun, which is the next joint initiative of both Ministries and aims at propagating Art in schools.
“Dear pupils, our goal is to make the artist, the musician, the writer or the literature expert visit schools with their violin, violoncello, canvas, watercolor, book and speak about the art and their creative life. Schools must retrieve its real values and that is why High Art should be taught daily in schools”- has noted the acting Minister of Education and Science, Arayik Harutyunyan, applying to the pupils.
The Minister was also interested in whether the pupils have used the subscription program of visiting theatres, concert halls and museums. The latter have responded that the choice of the theatre is under the discussion now.
The acting Minister of Culture, Lilit Makunts, has highlighted in her speech that for this program mainly young artists have been chosen, who represent the significance and grace of the Art in a new light. “You will see and experience how interesting the Art and the Culture are. We are convinced that this kind of connection with the arts will broaden your horizon and will enable you to discover your own Art. We do not think that your connection with the Art will come to an end within the framework of this project. Further, we will perhaps meet at the publication of your book, at your exhibition or during your concert”- has noted L. Makunts and has added at the end that they hope pupils will make good friends with the artists and with the Art itself.
After the lesson, during the interview with journalists, the acting Minister of Education and Science, Arayik Harutyunyan, has announced that within the framework of the project “Your art in school”, around 50 artists have been elected from the areas of literature, Visual Arts and music, in order to visit 30 schools in Yerevan and in other provinces. The Minister has also added that the next joint initiative of both Ministries, “Lesson A” project, is in process now which promotes pupils from High Schools to listen to symphonic concerts. Concurrently, according to the proposal of the acting Prime Minister, Nikol Pashinyan, a new project is being discussed, which aims at organizing temporary art exhibitions of in schools in remote villages.
It should also be mentioned that in his visit to school N106, Arayik Harutyunyan has studied and discussed issues of the school along with teachers and with the Principal, Marine Vardanyan.