The Armenian Team of Schoolchildren Returned from the Beijing Olympiad with Medals

On November 3rd through 11th of 2018, the 12th Astronomy and Astrophysics International Olympiad was held in the capital of China, Beijing, where 207 students from 39 countries participated. The Armenian 5-member team headed by the Byurakan Observatory researcher Marieta Gyurzadyan and the Olympiad team coach Vardges Mambreyan took part.
Our Olympic team returned with two silver and one bronze medals as well as two letters of appreciation. Davit Zohrabyan and Eva Hunanyan, students of the PhysMath School of Yerevan, won silver medals and Qristine Grigoryan – a bronze medal. Emma Sargsyan and Davit Kirakosyan, both students of the said school, returned with letters of appreciation.