A Mutually Beneficial Model of Cooperation to be Introduced

Emphasizing the importance of the development of education in the Berd, Tavush region, and the revivalof the labor market with experts, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between Berd State Craftsmanship College and "Tavush-Textile" LTD. According to this memorandum craftsmen in the light industry (textile) will be trained and retrained for the purpose of carrying out industrial activities. These will take place in spaces that will be already provided and the technical materials needed for this will be accommodated my "Tavush-Textile". The memorandum was signed by the RA Deputy Minister of Science and Education Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, the founder of "Tavush-Textile" LTD Suren Yeritsyan, the Mayor of Berd Harutyun Manucharyan and other employers.
"From the very first day when I took over responsibility for coordination of the primary and secondary vocational education, I have paid attention to this field because it has been regarded as a stepson of education for many years, especially in the context of high school reform. I am deeply convinced that no system can be implemented at the expense of another; they must be developed parallelly, complimenting each other", mentioned the Deputy Minister who also emphasized that the development of VET is impossible without the Private sector because educational institutions prepare professionals for the labor market. "Without education, our country will not be able to develop and compete in the world. In this regard, the founder of "Tavush-Textile" LTD Suren Yeritsyan can be a good example for other businessmen in Armenia. Recently, when some entrepreneurs have been persuaded learn about the daily ongoings of the educational institutions,the former said that investments will be made only when the appropriate building will be privatized. I think, however, to cooperate mutually will be beneficial , the prospect of developing the same business from a different point of view. This memorandum is an evident message to businessmen, which lays the foundation for this model of state and private cooperation", noted Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, hoping that this format will work effectively in other regions of Armenia and Artsakh.
The founder of "Tavush-Textile" LTD Suren Yeritsyan, in his turn, thanked the Armenian government for finding a prompt solution to the problem. "When we raised the issue during the visit of the RA Prime Minister to Tavush, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science immediately contacted us and as a result of which every problem was settled expeditiously. This makes one believe that our support is firm and one can voice issues at any moment which will be settled in unison. Today, although business in Armenia has a tendency to really improve, this requires time", said the entrepreneur pointing out the concern of transferring the expertise knowledge of today to the generation of tomorrow.