August Discussions in Vayots Dzor and Syunik Provinces

With the approach of the new scholastic year, the August discussions are continuing with the Minister of Education and Science of RA, Arayik Harutyunyan, visiting different regions.On August 25, the Minister visited Vayots Dzor and Syunik Provinces and metwith school authorities there.
The Minister discusses directives and adjustments for the 2018-2019 academic year, clarified the adopted approaches regarding education, stressing that schools ought to be apolitical and to seriously consider increasing the quality of education. General topics around education and specific topics were discussed that mattered the most in the Vayots Dzor and the Syunik Provinces. Taking into consideration that both provinces have schools, mainly near the borders, with little student population, Minister Arayik Harutyunyan emphasized that rearranging or shutting them down is out of the question. ""We are looking forward to redirecting those schools into community centers.The latter could function in different capacities like providing services such as an elementary and high school education, a library, and a cultural center. Our schools near the border are prerequisite of preserving our community: a political stance for the Government"," declared the Minister.
Answering principals' questions, the Minister informed as well that negotiations on funding of the said schools are being deliberated and apart from the number of students , assistants will be obtained in accordance of the number of classes. In response to the question of higher wages for teachers, Arayik Harutyunyan mentioned that the matter is under discussion for 2019 budget planning.
During the meeting, the Minister also discussed final exams administration, teachers working hours, and some issues requiring urgent solutions.