Discussion: Cultural professions require special treatment

The middle professional sphere has not been treated properly for years, although it has great function and significance in public life, as well as in the spheres of economy and education. HovhannesHovhannisyan, RA Deputy Minister of Education and Science, expressed such an opinion during a discussion on the "Issues of Cultural and Middle Professional Education" organized in the "Article 3" club. ArtakAghbalyan, Head of the Department of Preliminay (Vocational) and Middle Professional Education, David Matevosyan, Adviser to the Minister of Culture, as well as directors of cultural colleges and educational experts participated in the discussion. The discussion was organized by the suggestion of cultural college directors. HovhannesHovhannisyan,Deputy Minister of Education and Science,mentioned that there are many problems in the sphere of middle professional education. Noting that a number of meetings referring to the development of this sphere with private sector representatives had already taken place, HovhannesHovhannisyan mentioned, “The major task of this sphere is to meet labor market demands. Recently a number of issues referring to the activities of cultural colleges have been raised, some of which have been solved, while others are still under discussion. We must make this sphere more attractive for the private sector. I urge businessmen, who are concerned with the perspectives of their business development, to pay great attention to the development of the sphere”.
According to him, some problems in this sphere imply legislative change, while others are a result of management issues. In recent years, international organizations have been intensively cooperating with the VET sector. There has been particularly effective cooperation with the European Union, the German International Cooperation Program (GIZ), with the support of which the pilot introduction of the dual education system has initiated in several colleges.
According to ArtakAghbalyan, the Head of the Department of Preliminary (Vocational) and Middle Professional Education, after the establishment of the constitutional demand for 12-yearcompulsory education, colleges have no right to organize paid education as far as general education is concerned, and this creates additional problems as the places allocated by the state are limited. This year 3777 places for vocational education were allocated to the Ministry of Education,while 200 places to the police, besides, 6270 places for middle professional education were allocatedto the Ministry of Education,while 271 placesto other spheres. That is to say, free places have been reduced by 1600 for middle education and by 300 for vocational education. According to ArtakAghbalyan, now the Ministry is discussing the allocation of reserved places so that to meet the existing demand for middle educational and secondary vocational education. Taking into account that free places are limited, a proposal for legislative amendment is being prepared, which should allow colleges to organize paid education as far as general education is concerned.