In the Agenda of RA Government Session

The following issues referring to the education sphere were involved in the agenda of RA regular meeting, held on October 29, 2015 and draft decisions were adopted on:
“Redistribution in RA state budget for 2015; on making amendments and changes in December 18 No 1515 decision and allocate money to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia”.
“Redistribution in RA state budget for 2015; on making amendments and changes in December 18 No 1515 decision and allocate money to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia and to the Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia”.
“Giving approval on the offer of signing agreement between RA Government and the European Commission on participation in EU Horizon 2020 project”.
“Reorganization of state non-profit organization “Yerevan State Agricultural College”, make amendments and changes in No 872-N RA Government’s decision, June 14, 2012, and to provide equipments”.