Workshop with the Rectors of the State Universities

Today, the RA Acting Minister of Education and Science, Arayik Harutyunyan, has had a work meeting with the Rectors of the State Universities. Arayik Harutyunyan has said that the staff of the Board of Trustees /Management/ of the universities has already been approved. He has also mentioned that board meetings are going to be held in the coming days during which board chairmen will be elected, the university reports and the budget execution will be presented and the university budget will be approved. “The development of the university boards was delayed due to the events taking place in the country: we tried our best to keep the politicians and the officials away from the Boards, and we repeatedly stressed it. The current legal regulation, of course, somehow limits this process, however the revised version of the new draft law “On Higher Education” that will soon be put into circulation and will be discussed, will finally solve the problem of the politicization of the boards”, the Acting Minister noted, emphasizing that each university issue will be reflected on and, if possible, will be solved during today’s meeting.
During the meeting, the Rectors of the universities have presented the main problems of the institutions, such as budget approval, financial sustainability, accreditation process, structural and technical upgrading and modernization of infrastructures, activities of branches, as well as issues related to internationalizing. The Chairman of the Higher Qualification Committee, Smbat Gogyan, who has presented some issues related to the preparation and defense of the dissertations, has also attended the meeting. Arayik Harutyunyan has called upon the universities to actively cooperate with HQC.
During the meeting, the sides have also touched upon the educational process and the proper organizing and maintaining of examinations.