Procedure regulating educational process of 12-th grade

The Minister of Education and Science Levon Mkrtchyan signed a decree on establishing procedure, regulating the educational process of the 12th grade in state educational institutions .
During the first half of the current academic year, until December 1, the 12th grade students of the educational institution apply to the director of the institution in a written form, informing about the list of subjectys to be studied in the second half of the year. Students going to participate in the Common State Examinations include the examination subjects in the list.
If none of the students of the class has chosen a subject(s) defined by the institution's educational plan, then the number of hours allotted to that subject(s) are beinc reallotted to the subjects selected by the students of that class and the curriculum for the 2nd half is being formed.
In accordance with the class curriculum, a timetable fir the class is drawn up. If there is more than one class a learning groups can be formed from the parallel classes. In this case, necessary entries of the subject are made in the register. Semi-annual and annual marks are then transferred to the main register of the class.
The repetition of the material of the selected subjects is arranged in a classroom (according to the timetable) and in extracurricular self-study activities.
The student participates only in classroom studies of the subjects selected by them. The student participates in extracurricular learning courses when his weekly course load is less than 31 hours.
Student’s participation in extracurricular activities is recorded and registered in the relevant register.Types of extracurricular self-learning activities are the following: accomplishment of the assignments given by teachers, the study of additional educational literature and other sources, implementation of practical and experimental tasks, study of research issues, creative work, usage of ICT tools, written works, individual, team and collaborative works, organization of educational tours, etc.
Learner allocated 3 at its disposal can be used to receive other educational institutions for their services